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7 Interesting facts about Vasai city


7 things about Vasai you might not hear of:

Hello everyone, 

If you are from Maharashtra or nearby Mumbai you probably know about Vasai.
But if you are from anywhere around the world and couldn't find much information about Vasai, here is the list of some really interesting and probably unknown facts about this beautiful city. 

1. Vasai is the most peaceful city:

Despite locating nearby the noisy and highly polluted cities like Mumbai, Thane, Bhiwandi, you will find here the most peaceful environment you are looking for.
This city is at the bank of coasts which is why you will find creeks and beaches all over the city, which definitely enhances the beauty of it and also helps one to find adequate mental peace.
The nature of people from this city is also one of the reasons to make it the most peaceful city.
If you are looking for a small vacation and don't want to spend all of the money you can simply roam around the streets of Vasai and reach any of all those beautiful beaches here.
You will see many salt pans, beautiful architecture and also the least noisy streets here.

2.Fresh Air:

I am someone who use to travel to Vasai before I became a part of this city. I use to reside in a neighboring city hence had to travel to cities like Mumbai, Vasai, Virar, etc. quite often. I grew up in an environment where city means noise, pollution, huge crowd and everyone is in hurry. I was one of those.
Maybe that's the reason ever since I have been settled in Vasai I have noticed many differences about this city which I did 't know before.
Also, I am the kind of person who prefers calmness, fresh air all day over anything that the city gives you, and Vasai was exactly what I was looking for.
You will find this city to be less populated, less polluted, and much cooler in temperature compare to the Mumbai heat.


Vasai has its own and distinct culture about food and lifestyle.
This city has Portuguese history and you will see a huge impact of the history everywhere in the city.

Right from the food to the lifestyle to the languages spoken here, you will see polish culture has been followed by the people here from generations.
Portuguese came much later before that people had their own coastal culture, most of them use to be fishermen and still there is a huge community of people which follow fishermen culture today.
you can also see a mixture of both these cultures in the city.

3. Finest Restaurants in the city:

You might be surprised by now to know that Vasai has the finest and large number of eateries and restaurants because earlier I have mentioned that this isn't a densely populated city still you will see a large number of finest dining places here. Which again says about the people here. The people in Vasai are really fond of tasty food.
    Almost all restaurants serve a variety of national and international dishes which make each of the restaurant unique.
The food quality, the ambiance everything is so good that you might get reminded of one of your favorite dining places from Goa ...I mean you never know. 😉

4. It's called mini Goa for a reason:

Yes, it's true. Vasai also has its identity as mini Goa. The polish history of both the cities makes them identical. But not just the history there are certainly more reasons.
    Every lane of the city fools you as if you are in Goa. The huge Coconut trees, the greenery covering every small or big lane, the vintage-styled houses, and a huge number of beautiful churches, you could see them everywhere.
        The cities food culture also has a lot of similarities with the Goan food culture.

5. You won't see many potholes here:

Vasai is located nearby Mumbai and as a result, this city receives heavy rainfall every year.
We all know what happens with the Roads in Mumbai in the rainy season. Despite this fact, you would see the finest roads all over the city and at any time of the year whether it's rainy or summer or winter.
I think people are more alert and environment friendly here because just like neat roads you could also notice clean surroundings without any garbage thrown here and there.
People do maintain decent discipline in the city.

6. Delicious food tradition in every household:

Vasai is a costal city. So, it is quite obvious that the use of coconut and seafood in the local households is a little extra.
You would feel the taste of coconut in most of the dishes, which makes the cuisine a lot more delicious.
Not just the use of coconut but if you are someone who would peek into their household kitchens the chances are you will end up learning the most delicious traditional dishes in the world.

7. Houses as real pieces of Architecture:

Vasai has its unique bungalow culture. When you are traveling inside the city you will surely notice that there is an equal number of bungalows in the city as much as there are buildings. Your eyes will be blessed by seeing such beautiful architecture.
Every house is made has a different theme and a lot of architectural efforts and minor detailing are clearly noticeable.

Though the architecture is different in every house there are some similarities as well.
You could notice swing sets hanging in verandas of every house. It makes the houses look even beautiful and it also says that the people of Vasai love to relax and enjoy the breeze passing by.

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2.getty images from
